

Remember my adorable little status on Facebook about not moaning today? Thankfully that only applies to Facebook and not Blogspot.

I've realised there is no point getting 'someone new' in your life coz as soon as you do all the 'someone old's' are on it like flies round shit. Can't I do ANYTHING without people feeling the need to follow?!?! Some of them need to back the fuck off! I feel like the pied piper of Facebook at times. Everytime I add someone new on Facebook who doesn't know any of my other Facebook friends you can guarantee that within a day or so certain people will be sticking their nose in where it's not wanted. I added someone new recently, someone who didn't know anyone I knew and literally a day or so after, one by one all the old 'faithfuls' who seem incapable of finding friends of their own wade in with their size-whatevers and add them.

My only hope is that when I do finally jump off that cliff, some of them will follow. I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply to anyone who is likely to read this blog, so apologies if you're offended by this. Obviously friends making friends with friends is cool most of the time, but when you just want a 'time out' from the regular Facebook banter and all you're greeted with is downtrodden old pervs ready to feast their eyes on some new meat it REALLY fucks me off.

I remember having a similar problem on Myspace back in the day. One of my friends took it upon themselves to add every single fucking friend I had until their friendslist consisted entirely of MY friends, then one by one they started to succeed in alienating them and trying to drive them away from me. Paranoid? I don't think so. But thankfully that desperado has latched onto someone else and my friendslist can breathe a sigh of relief... for now at least.


  1. seriously, though.

    it's ridiculous, no?!

    makes me wanna throw things at people.
    (a thought)


  2. I'll drink to that! I know we met through mutual friends, but that was different, it wasn't forced and lept upon the second someone added us. The more I read this blog the more annoyed I get with said people that are doing it. ha. Nice to know someone out there understands where I'm coming from though.

  3. Someone added Mart today *who I can only presume saw him via comments on Marv's photos as that's what was going on at the time* Mart said 'hello' etc and he replied with....well, he didn't reply! THEN....had the cheek to try to add Malcolm! WHY?!?!?! If he can't TYPE a reply? :D Malc hasn't even bothered signing in to accept him and he'll be deleted tomorrow from Mart's page anyway. His name's Jase.

    I have friends who have added ALL of my friends *doesn't name names* It does get annoying though!

  4. Oooooh @ last paragraph *yes, I reply before I've read the entire blog and then have to keep re-replying to finish off what I would have said had I read the entire blog in one go in the first place* lol I know just who you mean! *snarls*

  5. Facebook gives out too much info. The newsfeed is full of details people don't need to see/know. Everytime I add someone new it's only a matter of time before someone else will pounce on them, for whatever reason. It's not too bad if it's T. Pig related, but when it's not you wonder why they hadnt added them in the first place and seemingly have waited until I've done so, or whoever has done so etc.

    lol @ *snarls* I could have wrote a whole fucking blog about my views on that person right now, but it'd go straight over their head anyway so why waste anyones time. Everythings happy now so why would they give a shit about what any of us are doing.

  6. Exactly - zero interest! *for now* Like you say, all is well at the moment so we can all fuck off! :D

  7. "facebook gives out too much info. The newsfeed is full of details people don't need to see/know."

    it's farrrr too much info.
    i get that we're "living in the information age" and all that shite..
    but some things... no.
    i dunno..
    i'm drunk and cranky.
