

Had a haircut today...

Not the best coz Paul (the usual guy who cuts my locks) was in Paris but it'll do. I'm really unsure about leaving it without any hairdye on though. I've been dying my hair black since I was 15 to avoid the grey but the grey always comes straight back as soon as I have it cut and it's currently sparkling in the moonlight as I type. Part of me thinks well hang on, I'm 33 - surely a few splashes of grey isn't gonna look THAT out of place? but then I catch sight of my reflection in the mirror and wish I'd bought hair dye on the way home instead of chips.

ooh yea, I had chips again. Wasn't planned but I came out of the hairdressers and saw Snow-White with her Sister right infront of me so I turned right instead of left (the way I was originally going) to avoid them and there it was... a chip shop! So I went inside and heard Moe's little voice at the back of my head saying "Don't forget the curry sauce this time."

JAM called also. I have an appointment with her tomorrow morning at 9.30am. She won't know what's hit her, when I actually hit her for being absent. lol It'll be an interesting session to say the least. I have some other news but I've shot myself in the foot by telling everyone where this blog is coz I really wanna blog about it but can't incase beedy eyes feast their peepers on it. It really has been an eventful day to say the least. I'm sure we'll catch up individually about that though.

I'm currently sat at my desk drinking wine and loafing about on MSN waiting for something exciting to happen. WELL? Is something exciting going to happen?!?!


  1. Kay (Primabowlerina)18 January 2010 at 11:37

    Stop obsessing about your hair. You sound like such a girl....lol. You know I say that with love. I think a little grey looks great.

  2. lol I can't help it Kay. I keep going back to the mirror and touching it. (and the hair.)

  3. There's nothing wrong with a bit of grey *says she who hides it* It looks noce on men and more natural. Very few people don't have some grey unless they are 12 or arseholes! lol It looks more natural *prob cos it is* than dyed hair :)

    LOL @ JAM won't know what hit when I hit her! I expect she had her excuses at the ready!
