

I had a random urge to buy Easter Eggs this morning. I'm not sure why because Easter isn't until April. I guess it was for something to do, so that's what I did. I went out into Wigston, found some fabulous Easter cards and bought enough chocolate eggs to keep Marvin happy for... well, about 5 seconds I guess. I'll be celebrating Easter early this year because I've got friends coming to stay in March, so it's not that far off I guess.

Still thinking about tomorrow. *nervous BOUNCE* Thanks so much for the supportive emails/txts you've all been sending. I know I make alot of jokes about it but I am genuinely shitting myself about tomorrow. I've been upsetting myself over it all weekend and by this time tomorrow the dentist appointment will actually be over. Tomorrow is the check-up so I'm hoping it won't be too much of a horrific time. I guess it depends on what needs doing though and when. I just want tomorrow over with really, I've waited long enough now.

It's weird because as most of you know I'm no longer in contact with Glyn (my ex) anymore, but for some reason I really wanted to talk to him about it. He knows my fears and I guess it would be comforting to hear from him. (I don't know why because he's a bit of a cunt when he wants to be really and probably wouldn't say the right thing, but at least it'd be something.) I sent him a txt msg anyway. I had to find his number from an old diary coz I'd deleted it just after Christmas. Not expecting a reply, and if he does it'll probably be 'FUCK OFF DAVE!' because his new boyfriend doesn't want us to speak to each other anymore. Would be a nice touch if he did reply though, it wouldn't KILL HIM to do something for me for a change.

I do have one AMAZING piece of news though. The fabulously cute Rodrigo Lopes ♥ (from Big Brother 10) is now following me on Twitter. I guess my 'stalking' paid off. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no ser... *gulps* SWIFTLY moving on....

I've also been watching old episodes of 'Coach Trip' online. I do love it when the arguments start. Nothing cheers me up more than watching other people have a good row. I'm wading through series one, which was originally shown back in 2004. Yikes - that seems aaaaages ago. I remember bits of them, but alot of it is like watching a new series because I'd forgotten alot of what happened. Series four started on TV yesterday so I'll be sitting down to watch episode two of that later. I know what you're all thinking... What a thoroughly exciting life I lead. I bet you can't wait for the next chapter can ya? *grin*

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