

So it's finally gone, 400g of orgasmic bliss - eaten. It's ok to cry, I did as I scoffed the last triangle of Toblerone in the house. *adds another to shopping list* I have had an annoying BASTARD of a week. I think it's fair to say it's not been the best start to February. I feel like shit and looking in the mirror only seems to confirm my thoughts.

Assuming you're still with us, and haven't ran away screaming I'll continue.

I am still shitting myself over next week's forthcoming appointments. The first being a visit to the dentist. (quelle surprise really with the amount of Toblerone I've eaten recently.) I haven't been sleeping very well lately and have been neither use nor ornament to anyone because of it. The very thought of the dentist makes me feel sick. I've managed to escape check-ups and put up with the odd toothache since I was in high school, but as I'm now old and useless and toothache is becomming more frequent, my hand has been forced and I am being dragged to the dentist surgery on Wednesday morning at 9am. *SQUEEEEP* How am I going to cope? God help the poor dentist who turns up for work with me as his first patient thats for sure. I hope he'll have eaten a hearty breakfast coz he'll need all his strength to hold me down in that chair if I panic. I've done everything I can to keep myself from thinking about it, but no matter how many distractions I have it all comes flooding back the second I pause for thought. If I actually make it to the surgery on Wednesday no one will be more surprised than me.

In other news, I've just been chatting to Kev on MSN. So cool to finally hear his voice. I need to get a webcam and microphone set up on here again, coz I used to have so much fun in the days of Yahoo chat. Since my webcam broke and my microphone went tits up I've been dormant in the world of 'show and tell'. Not that I can't tell it all via Facebook and there isn't anyone left on my contacts list who hasn't actually seen all I have to offer anyway, but it'd still be nice. I'll look into that properly once the dreaded appointments are over. Some retail therapy will be a fabulous reward assuming I make it out alive. :p "Such fun!" as Miranda's mother would say. oh, and...


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