

I know my blogs have been a bit depressing of late. I don't mean them to be, but I guess it's hard to write about the fun stuff when the bad stuff is floating on the surface. It's probably the best time to write actually when you're feeling low because the emotion is more raw and honest. Speaking of which, I know I've said things on here recently that have offended some people and I've had to go back and edit my blogs for a couple of them now to keep the peace. Sometimes I just don't think, I wade in and throw things on the table that really should have just ended up in the recycle bin. Like I said to you at the time though, I wouldn't worry too much about what is written here, very few people actually take the time to read these blogs anyway and I'm sure most people tune out soon as they realise which direction the subject matter is heading in.

We haven't had anymore snow but it's soooo cold. I don't feel like going outside today, so I won't. I'm currently hugging the radiator as I type. I'm not looking forward to the weekend, it just feels like a 'waiting game' for Monday right now. The next three days are gonna drag, I know they are. I have Moonlight Sonata stuck in my head. I don't actually have a good quality mp3 of it so I've had to listen to it on youtube. (If anyone can help me out with that - feel free to send one.) I don't know why it's stuck in my head, I woke up this morning and there it was, waiting to be heard. Could have been worse I guess, it could have been something by 'Steps'.

It's not all doom and gloom, thankfully. I had the sweetest voice message ever today. Really gave me a boost and I've listened to it about a million times so far. haha. It's strange how just the simplest, sweetest of messages can bring a smile to such a miserable fucking face! So Thanks for that Kev. ♥


  1. I might have Moonlight Senato in some form, somewhere - I'll look.

    Oh, and you don't 'have' to remove anything at all from your own blog - just because certain people think they are in a position to tell you what you can and can't do. FUCK THEM ALL! *except Marv* :D

  2. I do have a gob on me though. It was pretty daft to joke about serious issues re: 'S'.

    FUCK HIM THO!! (not literally... well not again anyway...)


  3. Hahaha, yay for Beethoven and not for Steps!
