

I keep trying to blog but it's so much harder than before. There are things I want to write about but soon as I've got a paragraph down I find myself editing it as not to offend certain people, so then when all the juicy bits are taken out it just looks like a pointless mass of words not worth bothering with, so I don't. I don't know what's wrong with me lately, I used to just say what I thought without fear of consequences but now I feel this big weight on my shoulder whispering "Are you SURE you want to post that?" in my ear because it has, in the past, only served to cause me problems instead of being a theraputic release.

One thing I can quite happily moan about though are my Doctors, and with good reason. Due to Doctor Powar's incapability to sign his own name on my prescription I've been without medication since Friday. I've tried chasing this up daily but the Bank Holiday threw everything into chaos and I'm being passed back and forth between Doctors Powars and Drucquer neither of which are taking responsibility and both of their receptionists are seemingly claiming to have heard "nothing about it". So what do I do? Just sit here waiting until one of them remembers that for the past ten years or so I have actually been taking medication on a daily basis and actually takes it upon themselves to give me some? SO FRUSTRATING!

Tried calling JAM but she's never around. I've left message after message and all I get is either "She's not here at the moment" or "She's due back any minute - I'll get het to give you a call." I've called four times today alone and each time she's "Due back any minute". She's been back apparantely inbetween my calls but popped out again, which is worse coz that means she's got my messages and just ignored them. It's been five days without medication now, and as I'm not swinging from the rafters it's making me wonder if I really needed their damn pills in the first place. This dilema hasn't been resolved and I'm still waiting for someone, ANYONE to call me back and tell me when I can collect some tablets. Doctor Drucquer can't give me medication until Doctor Powar has approved it, because in the past I have been a suicide risk where medication has been concerned, so I totally understand that, but if Doctor Powar is too lazy to sign a prescription he's hardly gonna go to the trouble and write a letter of confirmation and fax it through to Doctor Drucquer is he?

Anyone who has read 'Let Them Eat Pills' wondering if the place is REALLY that bad - trust me, it isn't... IT'S WORSE!!


  1. Fuck them all!! *the blog 'editor' and the Cedars' crappy staff! lol

  2. Hope things get sorted soon, Dave. I kinda fell off the blog train too, let's make a pact to keep it up! xx
