

I haven't blogged for a long time - I guess I kinda lost my way for a while. When I originally set up this blogspace I wanted to write something everyday but that just didn't happen. I got lazy but I think it's about time I dipped my toe into the blogpool once more, so maybe you'll see more of me?

Life doesn't seem to be going anywhere at the moment, it's just stopped, a stagnant pond without so much as even a ripple. I'm feeling a bit stuck. I guess it's good on one hand that I'm not moving, being stuck at least means I'm not plummiting south like I have been known to do in the past but it does get frustrating knowing I'm not going anywhere, not that I have anywhere I want to go as such. Health issues have probably kept me more isolated than normal, but I've been out and about as much as I can. You'd be surprised at some of the things I've been up to latey, but we won't even go there.

Since I last blogged (Back in March - I really should keep this updated more.) I've been writing alittle, something I've always enjoyed but more often than not struggled with. I used to think the written word was one of my strong points, but upon reflection whilst the words may be in the right order in my head, and I know what I want to say, they're scattered on the page in an unshuffled mannor and more often than not riddled with spelling errors. You've possibly already found some in this blog entry - who knows? I think reading my recent work back has just highlighted for me how much of a useless writer I am. Don't get me wrong, I do feel some sense of achievement with my latest work, I'm proud of it. I'll be even more proud of it when Kate has finished editing it for me and banished all those little errors to the recycle bin. More of that in time, I'm sure. I'm just not very organised and lacking in structure when it comes to setting goals for myself.

I've also adopted Lucy, a cat from the RSPCA. I wont rattle on about how adorable she is, because anyone who knows me will have already heard me gushing about how much I adore her and will have had endless photos, videos and feline tales thrust upon them for the past six weeks. Yeah, that's how long she's been here - Where has the time gone? Lucy has been a breath of fresh air for me. She's given me the company I so much needed on those long lonely days and there really isn't a day that goes by where she doesn't make me smile, even the day she dropped a live mouse onto my desk and my screams could be heard in China - we still laughed. (eventually.)

Anyway - I won't keep you, If anyone is still reading that is. Like I said, maybe you'll see more of me in blogland from now on.


  1. *screams*

    My comment cos swallowed!

    I think it said:

    You're not a useless writer, you're very good and we all make spelling errors! Who can actually spell anyway? That's what spellcheck's for! I'll have pt 2 done asap!!

    *waves to Lucy*

  2. Yeah, I guess with spellcheck and a fabulous editor, the fact I can't spell isn't THAT bad.

    Lucy *hisses* @ NOT! lol

  3. Honey I don't think you realize how much I enjoy being your friend. Not only do I have a friend but you are like family to me. You know I consider you my nephew . You simply amaze me all the time and I am blessed to have met you. The pics of Lucy , the vids and tales are terrific & I love reading them .. your posts & magazine, Let them Eat Pills make me smile! Some days reading them is what makes my day! you are fantastic & I couldn't love you more =) Yes, I know what it's like to have to deal with alot but you are never alone ...you will always have me . If you need me just holler ...I'm there for you always ! Much love xoxoxo Aunty Carol
