

Today I made soup. Damn good soup actually, Delia would be proud. Normally I'd open a can, splash its contents into a bowl and microwave it for 2minutes but homemade soup is sooo much nicer.

Quite happy today, strange really as yesterday was a pretty rough day. Maybe those bear-ears worked after all? I had a medical review this morning and passed with flying colours. Things are really making progress for me in that department. My Psychiatrist told me today that she was impressed with my progess and was happy to see me on a 'need to' basis rather than making me attend regular sessions. I'm am VERY happy with that, you have no idea how much that place can add to your troubles, so to be spending less time there already makes me feel better. I still have to attend my fortnightly sessions with JAM (the next one is on Monday) but it meant so much to me to be free of the extra sessions. The reduction in medication was a definite step in the right direction too. Today I feel invincible. I don't get to say that very often.

Right now I'm gonna eat my freshly made soup and enjoy the rest of my weekend homo-alone. Behold its potatoey, leaky, peppery goodness...



  1. Great news!!!!! The soup looks yummy too. I'll be right over ;)

    1. Thank You! Makes a change for me to have some GOOD news. So happy.

      I made loads of soup... but no doubt Moe will have eaten it all before you've even got on the plane.

  2. So happy for you Dave. I have sent you a message on Facebook too.
