

Sometimes I'm nothing more than a glorified receptionist. I answer MY phone only to find the call isn't for me, but the caller was given the number by my Mum, who convieniently isn't anywhere to be found so I find myself taking endless messages for her throughout the day. She has her own phone - I don't know WHY she gives out my number. I get all excited when a parcel arrives at the door only to find out it's not for me, my brother has had it sent here because he knew I'd be in to sign for it. The doorbell rings and after initially thinking 'who the fuck can that be?' and debating whether or not to hide, I answer it to find it's one of the neighbours with a message for my Mum. I have no life of my own. Where did it go?

I did some Christmas shopping today. Yes, Christmas! EEEK! Mum suggested a trip into town which I thought would be cool because I wanted to check out the Halloween stuff for the party at the end of the month, but then I realised we were making a detour via Mavis' house. Mum can talk but stick her in a car with Mavis for a few hours and you don't stand a hope in hell of getting a single word in. We left here just gone 9am and didn't get back until gone 2pm. 5 HOURS!!! 5 hours of shopping that could have easily been done in 2 were I alone. I don't think I said a single word for the duration - I did however find some fabulous things for the party and the cat food was on offer so Lucy/Beryl can dine in style tonight. (That Cat eats better than I do most days. Little madam!)

I'm bored. Oh so bored. I need a new challenge - A project of sorts? Something to keep my brain occupied because It's slowly and surely turning into a stagnant pond.