

I could have died of shame today! (ok, that's probably a bit dramatic.) But I ALMOST DID DIE OF SHAME!!! I ventured out into Wigston for a mooch around the shops and I found myself in Wilkinsons. As anyone who knows me will know I always get spots (my love of chocolate knows no bounds.) so there I was in Wilkinsons choosing some stuff to hopefully help the problem that is my FACE! I bought facial scrub, facial wash, spot consealer and on the way to the till I remembered I needed some glue. (pritt stick.) As the delightful old bag at the till was serving me, slower than any of the other checkout assistants, I might add, she blipped my purchases one by one, seemingly examining everyone as she did and yells out for the rest of the queue forming to hear... "Oh my daughter uses this one, it's very good." Yeah, thanks for attracting even more attention to me Angela, (according to her sparkly name badge, that was her name.) Carry on. Of course then she thought all her christmases had come at once when the last thing she blipped was in fact the pritt stick. "Are things THAT bad?" she said holding the pritt stick up in my face. before cackling like a witch. Talk about over familiarity!!!! Just because you feel the need to tell me your life story doesn't give you the right to enquire about mine. I didn't know where to look. I smiled and probably turned sixteen different shades of red before stuffing my purchases in my bag and running for the hills. If ever there was a good reason for shopping online Angela would be it.

I hate being outside sometimes. (Most of the time.) I hate it when strangers talk to me when I need to get from A to B. Its not that I'm anti-social or rude, it's just I panic alot when I'm out and about, it takes me all my time to focus on what I'm doing and where I need to be going. If people stop to talk to me it brings on this overwhelming sense of panic I feel the need to run away. I have therapy sessions which sometimes cover this kind of stuff, whilst I know what I should do in situations like this, it never quite prepares me for when it actually happens. I feel like such a tit.



As the postman crept silently to the front door, being careful not to make so much as a sound, he carefully slipped the 'we tried to delivery a parcel whilst you were out' note through the letterbox, cautiously manouvering it so its rattle wouldnt alert even the dog, then he crept back up the drive as silently as he came. WHAT A COMPLETE AND UTTER FUCKING BASTARD!! Now thanks to him I had a parcel waiting for me at the local sorting office. I'm not enteriely convinced he even had my parcel in his possession because it's raining and miserable outside so he clearly didn't want the hassle of ringing the doorbell and waiting whilst I signed for it. I've been in all morning so there's no way he tried to deliever anything. Oh the power they hold. Damn them all.

Turns out the package was a box of A4 envelopes. Thats right... envelopes. Hardly worth getting out bed for really, nevermind travelling all the way to the sorting office on foot in the rain!



It's been a long time coming but things are finally fabulous again. (ok, maybe I'm speaking too soon - but things are pretty damn good right now.) For the first time in a very long time I feel happy. If I were to get hit by a bus tomorrow I'd have done everything I needed to, said everything that needed saying and would skip off to that 24 hour Tesco in the sky with a smile on my face. Maybe Rodrigo would even come to my funeral now that we're best friends on Twitter n all. HAHAHAHAHAHA no... STOP IT!

Lastnight I spoke to Kev Cheung on the phone properly for the very first time. It REALLY made me happy. It meant so much that he'd taken the time to call me all the way from Singapore, even though it took us ages to figure out the correct dialing code then he'd called the wrong number and spoken to a random woman, he eventually got through and we had a good old giggling session. Thanks again Kev. You're so sweet and it really did make my night. I still can't figure out whether Samuel Simone is a squirrel or a chipmunk though. haha. (He could possibly be a Beaver? lol) Let's go with squirrel!!

This morning I got a card in the post from Danny. It made me smile, because even though he said he'd posted it, I wasn't expecting the adorable little heart stickers he'd stuck inside. (Even that little bastard Marvin got in on the action. haha.)

[Excuse my crappy camera - this is the best I could do.]

From there I ventured into Wigston and I've been out and about since the crack of 'Martin'. You have no idea how good it feels to be me right now. I am seriously on cloud nine. Issue 28 of T. Pig Magazine is on its way to those expecting it and it comes with 'a fabulous free gift'. (or as my Mum said "so that's it?" lol CHEEK!) Those who don't know what it is yet, hopefully you'll be more impressed than my Mother was and you'll think it's as fabulous as Marvin does.

Right, I'm gonna dash coz I'm heading back on board the 'coach trip' I can't even remember where we're heading next. We've just left Seville I think? I have the memory of an elephant. I'd be lost without Brendan. "Right guys... Keep up!" haha.



I think I blogged too soon yesterday coz it turned out to be an amazing and utterly fabulous day in the end. Since the miserable morning passed, the afternoon was met with friendly faces and fabulous friends. I also got a reply from the gawgeously fabulous Rodrigo Lopes. (ok so it wasn't an essay of a response but don't spoil my moment!! I adore him.) haha. If you're reading this Rodrigo, I'm not a stalker - honest. Please don't delete me. HAHAHAHAHAHA no serious HAHAHAHAHAHA! The evening was rounded off with EastEnders. Yes it is kinda sad that my Friday night revolved around a soap opera but hell, it took my mind of my troubles for a good hour or so. 'Stacey Slater - Ice Skater' was revealed as the 'killer' in the 'Who killed Archie Mitchell?' saga. My money would have been on Jack Branning, so it was a nice *gasp* of a moment when the reveal eventually came. (ok I'm boring even myself now, so I'll shut up about soaps.)

I slept really well lastnight. I haven't had such a good nights sleep in ages. I guess I've had alot of my mind of late, so knowing the appointments were over and I had nothing planned for the weekend the best option to do was to catch up on some much needed sleep, so that's what I did. I was however rudely woken up this morning by Sylvia coz she rang the wrong doorbell. Dont you just HATE annoying neighbours?!?! (even more so when they show themselves before the crack of 'martin'.) "oh, sorry did I get you up David?" err "no, I just thought I'd leap out of bed and stand at the door in my boxers for the fun of it you crazy old bitch!" Thankfully they were my fabulously new bulge-hugging boxers. My crotch has never looked so fabulous. As I was up and refreshed from enough sleep I thought I'd mooch around Wigston. I hate shopping on a Saturday, it's annoyingly busy and the world and his wife seemed to be in Sainsbury's, where I'd popped in for some 'essentials'. (coffee, doughnuts, and GT magazine. lol) I am now back home in the comfort of my attic sipping coffee and wolfing down chocolate hobnobs. Bliss.

Hope you're all having a fabulous weekend?



I know my blogs have been a bit depressing of late. I don't mean them to be, but I guess it's hard to write about the fun stuff when the bad stuff is floating on the surface. It's probably the best time to write actually when you're feeling low because the emotion is more raw and honest. Speaking of which, I know I've said things on here recently that have offended some people and I've had to go back and edit my blogs for a couple of them now to keep the peace. Sometimes I just don't think, I wade in and throw things on the table that really should have just ended up in the recycle bin. Like I said to you at the time though, I wouldn't worry too much about what is written here, very few people actually take the time to read these blogs anyway and I'm sure most people tune out soon as they realise which direction the subject matter is heading in.

We haven't had anymore snow but it's soooo cold. I don't feel like going outside today, so I won't. I'm currently hugging the radiator as I type. I'm not looking forward to the weekend, it just feels like a 'waiting game' for Monday right now. The next three days are gonna drag, I know they are. I have Moonlight Sonata stuck in my head. I don't actually have a good quality mp3 of it so I've had to listen to it on youtube. (If anyone can help me out with that - feel free to send one.) I don't know why it's stuck in my head, I woke up this morning and there it was, waiting to be heard. Could have been worse I guess, it could have been something by 'Steps'.

It's not all doom and gloom, thankfully. I had the sweetest voice message ever today. Really gave me a boost and I've listened to it about a million times so far. haha. It's strange how just the simplest, sweetest of messages can bring a smile to such a miserable fucking face! So Thanks for that Kev. ♥



Ive got a feeling it's gonna be a week for final goodbyes. It's a horrible feeling but sometimes it's unavoidable. I know I'm not the easiest friend to have, I bring alot of emotional baggage to the table but I've always tried to do right by people I care about. Maybe in some cases I've tried too hard, and that in itself has driven people away. I know I'm a very 'clingy' person at times, and that's not an attractive quality in anyone. I've made alot of mistakes which I'll always hold my hand up to but sometimes, no matter how much you try, you just can't go back and rectify things that are broken beyond repair.

A package from my ex-boyfriend was delivered this morning. I was reluctant to open it at first incase it was a bomb. ha. Turns out it was just some dvds I'd lent him. No note, no explanation, just the final "no need to contact me again" jesture. I guess it's for the best. We weren't doing ourselves any favours still being in contact, even though we split up ages ago, his new boyfriend had already found flirty messages between us on his phone and banned us from seeing each other, so there really was nowhere left for it to go. Everytime we met up we ended up in bed together and whilst that was fun at the time, it was clearly not helping. I was single, but he wasn't. It's very hard to be 'friends' with someone you were once in a relationship with because if there's any form of attraction still there, it's bound to be acted upon or longed for. By the time Glyn and I split up we didn't even love each other, so why we were still sleeping together was always questioned. What started out as a really strong bond has just ended up as a mutual hatred for each other, and that's such a shame.

I seem to be losing more people than I'm gaining just lately. It makes me question my assests as a friend. Just what do I bring to a friendship? If I'm doing more harm than good then maybe I'm better off not making new friends? If sooner or later I'm gonna drive them away with my stupid emotions then I should save us all time and effort right now and just disappear. I kinda need people around me though I reckon, however much I like being alone it is nice to know that there are some people out there who care and would drop everything to come and help if needed. It's an awful feeling to know that someone who once cared now wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire. If I lose anymore friends I'll have no-one left. Scary thought.



It's over, the dreaded visit to the dentist is done and dusted. I guess I should blog about it but I really don't have anything much to say right now. It's been a horendous day so far and it's not even lunchtime yet. I feel so shattered. The dentist appointment was (to put it bluntly) a fucking nightmare from start to finish. The dentist himself was really nice though, couldn't ask for a more friendly guy and he made me feel so comfortable, despite the fact everytime he tried to X-ray me I nearly threw up on him. He gave up after several attempts to X-ray me and I felt like such a tit. I kept explaining how nervous I was, and he could see I was shaking like an Ann Summers vibrator on full speed but I'm sure at the back of his mind he was thinking "TWAT!" He's given me some anti-biotics for the toothache and cleaned my teeth. As I'd not been to the dentist for like over 20 years my mouth seemed to be bleeding quite heavily when he'd done, but that was 'normal' so he assured me. (How can bleeding from the mouth be NORMAL!?!) My mouth feels weird. You'd think with the amount of cocks I've had in my mouth one stupid finger and a bit of plastic wouldn't have been ANY problem, but everytime he put the plastic pad thingy to take the x-ray into my mouth I gagged and I dunno who was more panicked, me or him?

I took Marv with me for moral support. Needless to say he was no help. Soon as we got there, he had a sudden panic and choose to stay in my bag for fear of what might end up in his mouth. On the way home we called into the chemist to collect the prescription and came home ready to cry. However, when I got to the front door there was a Valentine's package awaiting me from Diane. HORRAH!! Some fabulous magnets and a magnificent 'dick lollipop'. SEE I have no problem sucking on that!?! Stoooopid plastic X. Ray thingy.

Thanks so much for all the supportive emails/txt msgs/comments etc. I truly have the most amazing friends! ♥



I had a random urge to buy Easter Eggs this morning. I'm not sure why because Easter isn't until April. I guess it was for something to do, so that's what I did. I went out into Wigston, found some fabulous Easter cards and bought enough chocolate eggs to keep Marvin happy for... well, about 5 seconds I guess. I'll be celebrating Easter early this year because I've got friends coming to stay in March, so it's not that far off I guess.

Still thinking about tomorrow. *nervous BOUNCE* Thanks so much for the supportive emails/txts you've all been sending. I know I make alot of jokes about it but I am genuinely shitting myself about tomorrow. I've been upsetting myself over it all weekend and by this time tomorrow the dentist appointment will actually be over. Tomorrow is the check-up so I'm hoping it won't be too much of a horrific time. I guess it depends on what needs doing though and when. I just want tomorrow over with really, I've waited long enough now.

It's weird because as most of you know I'm no longer in contact with Glyn (my ex) anymore, but for some reason I really wanted to talk to him about it. He knows my fears and I guess it would be comforting to hear from him. (I don't know why because he's a bit of a cunt when he wants to be really and probably wouldn't say the right thing, but at least it'd be something.) I sent him a txt msg anyway. I had to find his number from an old diary coz I'd deleted it just after Christmas. Not expecting a reply, and if he does it'll probably be 'FUCK OFF DAVE!' because his new boyfriend doesn't want us to speak to each other anymore. Would be a nice touch if he did reply though, it wouldn't KILL HIM to do something for me for a change.

I do have one AMAZING piece of news though. The fabulously cute Rodrigo Lopes ♥ (from Big Brother 10) is now following me on Twitter. I guess my 'stalking' paid off. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no ser... *gulps* SWIFTLY moving on....

I've also been watching old episodes of 'Coach Trip' online. I do love it when the arguments start. Nothing cheers me up more than watching other people have a good row. I'm wading through series one, which was originally shown back in 2004. Yikes - that seems aaaaages ago. I remember bits of them, but alot of it is like watching a new series because I'd forgotten alot of what happened. Series four started on TV yesterday so I'll be sitting down to watch episode two of that later. I know what you're all thinking... What a thoroughly exciting life I lead. I bet you can't wait for the next chapter can ya? *grin*



So it's finally gone, 400g of orgasmic bliss - eaten. It's ok to cry, I did as I scoffed the last triangle of Toblerone in the house. *adds another to shopping list* I have had an annoying BASTARD of a week. I think it's fair to say it's not been the best start to February. I feel like shit and looking in the mirror only seems to confirm my thoughts.

Assuming you're still with us, and haven't ran away screaming I'll continue.

I am still shitting myself over next week's forthcoming appointments. The first being a visit to the dentist. (quelle surprise really with the amount of Toblerone I've eaten recently.) I haven't been sleeping very well lately and have been neither use nor ornament to anyone because of it. The very thought of the dentist makes me feel sick. I've managed to escape check-ups and put up with the odd toothache since I was in high school, but as I'm now old and useless and toothache is becomming more frequent, my hand has been forced and I am being dragged to the dentist surgery on Wednesday morning at 9am. *SQUEEEEP* How am I going to cope? God help the poor dentist who turns up for work with me as his first patient thats for sure. I hope he'll have eaten a hearty breakfast coz he'll need all his strength to hold me down in that chair if I panic. I've done everything I can to keep myself from thinking about it, but no matter how many distractions I have it all comes flooding back the second I pause for thought. If I actually make it to the surgery on Wednesday no one will be more surprised than me.

In other news, I've just been chatting to Kev on MSN. So cool to finally hear his voice. I need to get a webcam and microphone set up on here again, coz I used to have so much fun in the days of Yahoo chat. Since my webcam broke and my microphone went tits up I've been dormant in the world of 'show and tell'. Not that I can't tell it all via Facebook and there isn't anyone left on my contacts list who hasn't actually seen all I have to offer anyway, but it'd still be nice. I'll look into that properly once the dreaded appointments are over. Some retail therapy will be a fabulous reward assuming I make it out alive. :p "Such fun!" as Miranda's mother would say. oh, and...




I Woke up this morning feeling like crap. Didn't sleep very well and the appointments looming mid-week aren't helping because I can't seem to take my mind off them. The increase of medication I'm on seems to have kicked in, but it's not doing anything other than making me feel sleepy. I guess that's what anti-anxiety medication does, sedate you, but that's not the ideal solution for a long term problem. When the nightmare that is 'the dentist' is over with on Wednesday morning I'm seeing Rachel in the afternoon for what will hopefully be my final assessment, then I have a session with Joan to tie up the lose ends so hopefully after Wednesday I'll be less snappy with people. I think a decrease in meds would help too, but I'm no Doctor.

February has been a really bad month so far, so much crap piled into such a little space isn't good. Thankfully February is the shortest month and hopefully there will be happier times in March. (A month that kicks off with Saint David's Day on 1st can't be all that bad can it? lol) I've made plans to meet up with some people in March. Some new faces and the old trusted faithfuls so if I focuss more on that and less on the troubles then hopefully the days will go quicker. The sooner that happens the better really coz I'm going stir-crazy at the moment. Someone asked me lastnight on MSN "what would make things better? what would cheer Dave up again?" and whilst he was expecting me to say "to see you naked again on webcam" I didn't. There is something that will make me happy again, but it's just not gonna happen. He eventually logged off with the arse and I went to bed feeling even worse than I did before. *sigh*

(sorry if you're reading this, but I have been trying to tell you at every turn that I'm not interested. You just don't listen. There's a friendship here if you want it, but I really don't want to sleep with you.)



When the call comes the vultures begin,
He’s barely cold yet they let themselves in.
His possessions collected, some kept, some thrown.
It’s the quickest clear up I’ve ever known.
Dividing the wealth, disregarding will making,
Why wait for formality when it’s there for the taking?
If only they could see just what they were doing.
The man’s barely dead, yet his things are still moving.

But I see what’s happening if no-one else knows,
They’ll go back to their lives wearing dead man's clothes.

The funeral was small, a quiet affair.
None of the vultures could fly themselves there.
They’d got what wanted, the money, the jewels,
Shown their true colours, the selfish old fools.
His things were divided, house put up for sale.
Nothing else left, except a cheque in the mail.
No sign of the vultures now they’ve conned him and tricked him.
But they’ll all be back for their next dying victim.



Don't you just hate it when you take something to the till in a shop and they say "Anything else?" (well yes, there is actually. I haven't finished shopping yet I just thought I'd come and show off what I'd bought so far.) SOOOOOOOO ANNOYING!! Of course I don't want anything else or I would have asked for it / brought it to the till with me.

I went into the stationery shop on Bell Street today in search of a new notebook. I was pounced upon the second I opened the door. "Can I help?" (Yes, you can leave me alone for a start.) I explained what I was looking for, which they didn't have, but instead of accepting they didn't have what I wanted the annoying little man who served me proceeded to show me every notebook in the shop. NO! NO! NO! If I'm going to buy a ridiculously overpriced notebook I at least want the one I requested.

I trecked further into the depths of Wigston to Osbourne's Stationers (on a par expense wise but without the annoying little shop keeper.) again they had a vast amount of notebooks but not the one I had in mind, at least they allowed me to browse before pouncing on me. I eventually found a notebook that I wanted. (well, it was not the one I originally wanted to buy but it'll do.)

Does anyone remember 'the happy book'? well the book is basically an updated version of that. The intention of this book is to get everyone to write in it at some point. When I see you I'll have it with me. I don't care what you write, draw or stick in it... well, actually there are some limitations to what I'll allow you to stick in it, but hopefully no-one will feel the urge to do that. You can write as often as you like as long as it's filled up between us. It will be so cool to fill this book up throughout 2010 with random thoughts, messages, comments, etc. Just like its predecessor.

The following images were 'stolen' from the original happy book to give you an idea of what I'm rambling on about:




What a morning it has been. Bolts and bars a plenty. First of all I am officially accused of locking my Mum out of the garage (but like I said to her, if I wanted to annoy her I'd lock her out of the house altogether, not just the garage.) then the postman brings me the fabulous new Prisoner: Cell Block H DVD, consisting of all the unedited 'Edna Pearson' episodes.

Allow me to back track. There I am minding my own business when out of nowhere comes a shreeeeeeak from the Gods. "David! What have you done to my garage?!?" Surely she couldn't have finally found out I shagged Steve in there last Christmas? I know we lost the condom but jeez, bad timing or what? Turns out I hadn't done anything to her 'precious' garage and the handle had broke, leaving it not actually locked with a key but still unable to open. Why I got the blame for this I'll never know. We need a 'man who can', but as everyone knows I'm a 'man who can't, and if he could probably wouldn't want to'. Bad times.

I'm feeling particularly chipper this morning. I'm fed up of feeling miserable, so if I can turn the 'misery' off for a while and replace it with Prisoner dvds, then that's what I'm going to do. It's been a real boost hearing from Mike again, all I need now is to make things up with Joe, convince my crisis worker I don't need her anymore and not pass out during my dentist appointment on 17th then everything will be splendid again. (Yeah, I guess that is asking a bit too much isn't it?)



I keep making them, lots of them, on a daily basis. Just when I think I'm alright and everything is peachy I'll fuck things up with epic proportion and all that remains is this sudden urge to wanna hide under the duvet and avoid people. [Well it's either that or rip a random stranger's face off and piss in their tea.] I guess there's nothing wrong with wanting space from people, but I think for me it's a negative thing because when I'm having space from people I'm just upset and useless. I don't do anything but wallow in my own juices and when I come around to the idea that I do want to be social again, nothing's changed, the problems are still there.

I was so depressed this morning. I barely slept lastnight, had probably an hour or two at most. I didn't want to get out of bed when I realised it was snowing. It took nearly an hour for me to even contemplate getting up. I'm so glad I did though because when I logged online I found a message from Mike. (yes, THAT Mike!) It'd be unfair on him to go into details but one thing was clear by his reply, I hadn't pissed him off as I originally thought. I guess I'm too quick to jump to assumptions. It's hard not to when in the split second you realise someone's gone from you life that they didn't have just cause to do so and you'd forced their hand. The fact he came back when he was ready has made me feel so much relief. I hope he keeps in touch, even if it's only via email.

I did a stupid STUPID thing today before I got out of bed though. I txtd Joe. Pointless really because it only annoys him and very seldom gets a reply. Why am I just so useless at accepting what everyone else accepted months ago? Why am I the only person who can't let go? Even he's let go to the point of basically throwing me away. I'm never gonna get the chance to see him again so why do I feel the need to ask? Coz I'm a fucking idiot that's why.

On a positive note I've agreed to meet a couple of people I met on the internet in March. I guess it was going to happen sooner or later so all being well there will be some fun times ahead to report back on. The year got off to a slow start but seems to be chugging along at a steady speed now. I'm very aware that my dentist appointment is looming and pretty soon I'll be flat on my back with my mouth open. (I'll leave you to figure out whether I'm talking about the dentist or my Internet meets with that last one.)



Why does it still hurt? I hate losing friends. (contrary to what you might believe from recent online events I don't enjoy arguing with people online and deleting people doesn't always come as easy as you'd think.) Some people come into your life and go and you don't even batter an eyelid, they make no difference to your life whatsoever but others come into your life, you bond with them and it really does rip you apart when they leave. I've been having a mid-life crisis since 2008 it seems so I really wouldn't blame any of you for wanting out of this space we share together.

I feel totally helpess against the situation with Joe. It's really hard to see someone who once said he cared about me want nothing more to do with me, for whatever reason the end result is the same. I'm never gonna see him again am I?

I fucked up so many times over this but I still don't want to admit defeat and accept our friendship is over. I've ruined things but it IS worth saving I know it is. Ironically now the feelings have gone it hurts even MORE than it ever did before because having a few stupid emotional feelings compared to never seeing one of my best friends ever again there's no comparison, THIS HURTS MORE.

For the record, If one more person says "It'll get easier over time." I will twat them one, because right now it's hurting very much, and it's been hurting ever since he left so I can't even imagine getting over it just yet. Realistically I know I will. No-one died, we're both still there, it's just such a shame we can't exist in the same friendship circle anymore.

I've been looking for distractions all weekend, however. I haven't found any. Sent a few messages to random people I don't know online, hoping to find some new conversations and get to know people. I'm arranging to meet people I do know in person too, so hopefully that'll be something to focus on and it'll just stop me thinking about what a fucking mess I've made of everything recently.



It's strange how you can never quite let go of the past, however much you try. I was in Wigston today, minding my own business and mooching around the shops for something to do other than be stuck in the house and I came face to face with Carol Kirby. (well her face kinda headbutted my moobs in Pennywise, coz she's not the tallest woman in Wigston.) I haven't seen Carol since 2003. When I met Glyn for some reason Carol stopped seeing me, she didn't think he was right for me and eventually we totally lost touch altogether. Her daughter Toni was also in the shop and came bellowing down the aisle at me, mid-hug with Carol. Suddenly it was 2003 again, nothing had changed, despite the gap of 7 years. We stood gossiping for over half an hour in the shop, I only went in for a notebook and I left without even buying that. We exchanged phone numbers again (which I guess was a good idea, time will tell.) and will meet up again soon. I was going to suggest a coffee at the pub across the road but they had a bus to catch and well, the coffee would have probably turned into several vodkas knowing Carol and I really am going to try and not to drink so much. Turns out they both live near my brother now, a street or two away. Small world.

Soon as I got home I dug out a photograph of 'the three muskateers'. this was taken in 2003. (Ignore my ensemble of chins.)

Happy days?



I finally collected my photos from 'shoes' today. It's been nice spending some time putting them in order and filling the photo album with them. There's something comforting about printed photos, I get so used to seeing the digital images on Facebook I tend to forget I have albums full of the things next door. It's nice to look through them once in a while.

I also handed my prescriptions from the Brandon Unit in at the chemist counter. The guy who took them from me almost *gasped* when he realised how much crap was listed on there. It made me smirk though. "Yes, you read that right Mr Chemist Man... I am unhinged, so serve me quickly and I'll be on my way."

Usually you wait between 15-20 minutes for a prescription to be completed, but the fact he told me to come back tomorrow spoke volumes. Dammit though! I don't wanna have to go back their again tomorrrow.