

It's been a long time coming but things are finally fabulous again. (ok, maybe I'm speaking too soon - but things are pretty damn good right now.) For the first time in a very long time I feel happy. If I were to get hit by a bus tomorrow I'd have done everything I needed to, said everything that needed saying and would skip off to that 24 hour Tesco in the sky with a smile on my face. Maybe Rodrigo would even come to my funeral now that we're best friends on Twitter n all. HAHAHAHAHAHA no... STOP IT!

Lastnight I spoke to Kev Cheung on the phone properly for the very first time. It REALLY made me happy. It meant so much that he'd taken the time to call me all the way from Singapore, even though it took us ages to figure out the correct dialing code then he'd called the wrong number and spoken to a random woman, he eventually got through and we had a good old giggling session. Thanks again Kev. You're so sweet and it really did make my night. I still can't figure out whether Samuel Simone is a squirrel or a chipmunk though. haha. (He could possibly be a Beaver? lol) Let's go with squirrel!!

This morning I got a card in the post from Danny. It made me smile, because even though he said he'd posted it, I wasn't expecting the adorable little heart stickers he'd stuck inside. (Even that little bastard Marvin got in on the action. haha.)

[Excuse my crappy camera - this is the best I could do.]

From there I ventured into Wigston and I've been out and about since the crack of 'Martin'. You have no idea how good it feels to be me right now. I am seriously on cloud nine. Issue 28 of T. Pig Magazine is on its way to those expecting it and it comes with 'a fabulous free gift'. (or as my Mum said "so that's it?" lol CHEEK!) Those who don't know what it is yet, hopefully you'll be more impressed than my Mother was and you'll think it's as fabulous as Marvin does.

Right, I'm gonna dash coz I'm heading back on board the 'coach trip' I can't even remember where we're heading next. We've just left Seville I think? I have the memory of an elephant. I'd be lost without Brendan. "Right guys... Keep up!" haha.


  1. LOL @ coach trip/Seville! I must go there one day! I made it once as far as Granada *not on a coach, I hasten to add and not with Brendan, with Adrian!* but never managed to get to Seville!

    So pleased you're feeling good! That was cool Kev phoned - sorry I was so useless *late and thinking you were talking about someone totally different!* with the dialling codes! lol

    *admits I can;t remember what the free gift is!*

    Is Rodrigo *no serious* Lopes chatting with you on Twitter now? Does he know you stalk him? HAHAHAHAHA!! No serious. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  2. Dave this makes me so happy! :D

  3. haha @ "I hasten to add and not with Brendan, with Adrian" We should apply for the next series of Coach Trip and take 'the boys' along. haha. Brendan would LOVE us!

    LMAO @ your mistake last night. SOOOO FUNNY THO!

    I don't think Rodrigo is aware I am stalking him yet, even though I try and grasp his attention daily. (Clearly just playing hard to get. lol Meh!)

    *HUGS* @ you both! x
