

Got my paint today. Really pleased with the price. It had 20% discount on all paint + the 10% discount I got using Mum's 'Over 60's' B&Q Discount Card. The colour is fantastic compared to its predecessor. I've already done the first coat. Leaving it to dry now and tomorrow I will finish it off.

Have painted the walls/ceiling Natural Hessian and the skirting boards will be Cookie Dough. Not sure about the doors yet, whether to paint them the same colour as the skirting boards/door frames or paint them Natural Hessian gloss, and leave the door frames picked out as a darker colour. We'll see. I still haven't bought the doors for the wardrobes yet. Hopefully will get them on Sunday, as that means a trip into town. Am a bit achey from painting. Had a nice shower afterwards and I feel like I could sleep for a week.

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