

So a few of you have asked what happened to the recent blog I posted. I guess it's still showing up on the main feed but the actual blog itself has been removed. I was stupid to post it really, I was upset and letting off steam is one thing, but lowering myself even lower than I had wasn't going to achieve anything in the long run was it? Nothing has changed but I thought the best thing to do was to delete it. I don't normally delete posts and I apologise to those people who had taken the time to write lengthy comments on that particular blog, oddly enough it was my most-commented blog ever but it still had to go. I know how frustrating it can be when someone deletes your comments, it wasn't done out of malice or to edit what people said or anything, I just felt for my own sanity a post like that should be where it belongs - in the recycle bin.


  1. so you vented .. no biggie honey!!! sometimes that is just what you need .... then you delete it and move on ! I soo get ya !!!

    love ya Hugs your anonymous but loving sista Carol haha xoxoox

  2. I thought it'd help, but it didn't. I was juiced up on false confidence and it just made me look like an ass.

  3. ♥!!! Thinking of you bbz.

  4. Sorry I am one of those few who ask .
    But like I'd said ; I believe things will take a better in time ok .
    Smile huh .

  5. Kay (Primabowlerina)7 August 2010 at 04:49

    That's ok, Dave....whatever helps ..Hugs
