

This week has been a little difficult at times but with it has come some surprises. It's always weird when people remove themselves from your life, for whatever reason, it leaves you feeling a great sense of loss. I'm still grieving the loss of someone special in my life and although the grieving process is a private affair it does spill over into everyday life so it's been hard to keep it hidden at times I suppose. As time goes on I'm accepting things more and more though and whilst I hate it when people speak bad of the person in question, in a way I suppose it's helping because it points out to me that there are always negative qualities to a person as well as positive, when you care about someone so much you don't see the negative side of anything.

What's just as confusing as losing someone is when people who fucked off years ago show up again. Someone I haven't heard from in quite a few years messaged me on Myspace recently. It kinda messes with my mind at times when people do this because I get too attatched to people in my life and when they leave, it hurts but you kinda get used to them not being around. When they show up again unannounced it brings back a flashflood of memories - some good, some bad. I guess if anything it'll be a distraction from losing my friendship with Joe. Not quite sure what to make of the reappearance just yet though, whilst it'll be a good distraction I have to bare in mind that there was a reason we lost contact before surely? Time will tell I guess.

Sometimes I wish friendships weren't so complicated. I know I complicate things more than most, but sometimes... Meh!


  1. Kay (Primabowlerina)18 August 2010 at 12:11

    What is this MySpace of which you speak???? ;)

  2. *giggles* A blast from the past is what it is. It seems like FOREVER since we used to hang out there.

  3. LOL @ Kay's comment! Ooooh @ someone old from MS popped up? Who? SURELY NOT CORNFLAKE GIRL? :D

  4. LMFAO @ Cornflake Girl. Can you imagine? HAHAHA!! "Hi Dave. Just messaging you to remind you that I fucking hate you!" HAHAHA

    It was a lad called Kieran I used to "play scrabble" with. *grin*.
