

Do you know what really pisses me off? Of course you do - I moan every day on Facebook and Twitter and that's more than likely where you've arrived here from. BUT what is rrrreally pissing me off at the moment is how people just come in and out of your life when they chuffing well feel like it - not bothering to check if it's ok to just waltz back into your world as if they'd never been away. If you've fucked off - then stay FUCKED OFF! It's sooo much simpler for all of us that way. It's never easy when someone you care about doesn't have time for you anymore or they're busy with other things, but these things do happen and sometimes they can't be helped but when you've had time to get used to someone not being around, the last thing you want is for them to come charging back into your life again, expecting to pick up where you left off, as if nothing had ever happened.

It gets on my tits how some people only want you when they're in the shit or having a miserable time. "Oh Dave's always there - I'll go back to him when there's nothing better to do. He won't mind." Well to be honest I do mind! If things are going okay for these annoying people, theyre back in a relationship or they're loved up on other friends then you don't see them for dust. A bit of consistancy here is all I'm asking. I understand people lead busy lives and its not always possible to keep in touch on a daily basis, but don't treat me like a fucking idiot and leave it for months and months until your relationship breaks down and you need some mug to sit and listen to you whine about it all night because I won't be here. I don't want fairweather friends - I want people around me who care enough not to treat me like a fucking idiot. Respect me and you'll get ten times as much respect back, seriously. I'm a loyal friend but I'm sick of being picked up only to then be dropped when something better comes along. You're right - I probably will just be sitting here when you need me, but next time the door will be well and truly bolted when you come calling in need of sympathy and support if we can't at least share a few fun times together inbetween the crap.


  1. Dave, i didn't know this is what had happened to you last week.
    I am sorry. I also can't belive it, because every word you wrote is exactly what i have been thinking for weeks about a some people in my life, and i finally flipped out on wednesday and said pretty much that to a couple of friends who cancelled plans for my birthday at the very last minute. Seriously, why's it always gota to be one way?

    I totally agree with what you say 100%. And btw, i luvs ya, and i really think you are bloody great.
    Have to go now because my kid has put on Mull of Kintyre for the 26th time in a row and i might kill something if i hear that bagpipe solo again.

  2. Thanks for reading my rant. I think it scared everyone else off. haha. *HUGZ*

  3. Do you happen to love Pip the most out of all the Posse Dolls ?
    'cos you're always ranting ...
    *Just Joking*

  4. I do actually. haha. Pip was my fave right from the start.
