

First of all, apologies for yesterday to anyone I spoke to - I was in a foul mood all day and it wasn't helped by some fucking NUTTER online constantly sending add requests. There's no point going on about it, coz I'm you all heard enough about it yesterday on Marvin's page, we'll just leave it at the "Sorry I'm a grumpy bastard" note and move on.

So the TV in the bedroom has finally gone tits up. *sobs* / *dries eyes* Thankfully though my Mum has stepped up to help, she's gonna buy me a new one as an early birthday present and we're picking it up tomorrow. GOOD TIMES! It's only 19inches - but that's more than enough for me to handle in the bedroom. I can't wait.

I never seem to have much luck with electrical stuff. My DVD player went tits up too recently and my DVD burner on the PC has had its day. Makes ya wonder what electrical item is gonna go wrong next? Thankfully my vibrator takes batteries.

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