

Found out today that my cousin Maria has had a baby and that my Aunt Jean has died. All we need now if for someone to set fire to the pub and it'll be like an episode of EastEnders.

I've slipped up in the 'daily blogging' plan. I spend so much time moaning on Facebook the odds are anyone who comes here will have already seen my latest news on there anyway, but I do want to try and keep this blog up too. I keep promising I will, but it's hard really. Hard to write about how I'm feeling and what's going on because just lately none of it has been GOOD news. Things are improving though. I think if anything, recent events have taught me that I can do things on my own and I shouldn't really rely on friends for support because it does tend to push them away. Don't get me wrong, I do have friends and they do support me, but since Joe left, I've been reluctant to rely on anyone really, because losing someone, whoever they are, is just so hard to deal with.

I don't deal with things very well, as anyone who knows me will testify to I'm sure. 2012 has got off to a strange start so far, but it will get better. I am changing alot of things about my life right now so it'll be quite interesting to see which direction things take. I plan to totally renovate my home, a whole new start in a whole new room, but that will take time and money. I have alot of time but very little money right now so once I've sorted out a loan, I will be able to get stuck into changing the place completely and brightening things up a bit. It'll be a good distraction I hope.