

I get bored very easily. It doesn't take much and today is definitely one of those days where bordom has me by the bollocks. A day of over eating and excessive masturbation will no doubt see me through. I need some excitement though. How can I go on like this, day after day, doing the same thing... I get up, go online and the computer stays on for the duration until it's turned off at bedtime. Inbetween I eat, drink, watch TV, chat to people... I have no purpose in life at the moment. Not that I really had one before, but I guess it's highlighted more in times when I feel down.

George has quoted to re-plaster the livingroom. £700 for one room! Grrr. So expensive, but it'll be worth it in the end. A total change, just like I wanted. With the walls smoothed over and new skirting boards and door frames fitted, it will be a complete blank canvas to choose whichever colour I like. I'm thinking a light colour, cream, close to white, but not quite, something to totally brighten up these dark and dreary walls. The wallpaper will need to come off first. I've made a start, but I'm so lazy. Thankfully I had a little help today...

The kitchen cupboards need to be dismantled so they can be moved/rebuilt later. I have no idea how I'm going to rebuild them though, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I'm pretty useless at DIY, always have been.

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