

I can't belieeeeve it's the first of July already. WHERE has this year gone? I know at times it's felt like every single minute of every single day has been one long drag but at the blink of an eye we're half way through 2010 already. *SQUEEP* Got some fun things planned for the coming months so hopefully the nice weather we've been having will be on my side. A couple of people have asked what my plans for my birthday are - not sure yet. I know I'm going to Skegness at some point in September with friends but ideally I'd like to organise a gathering for that weekend at mine also. Although as past parties have prooved, getting everyone together in the same place on the same night seems impossible. I guess nothing will top last year's birthday when I finally got to attend my first Tori Amos concert with Kate and Joe. We'll see. Maybe we'll skip the party this year and have one massive blow-out for Halloween? (My favourite time of year.)

Lucy is making full use of her cat bed now. (It's only taken her two months!) She never took to it at first and instead chose to sleep in the pet carrier she arrived in, which was fine but when you've spent £16.99 on a cat bed you kinda feel cheated. Anywhoo, the other day I'd hoovered so I moved it and put it on the desk. I left it there without thinking and later that night who should I find curled up in it but Little Miss Lucy herself. Proud parent moment - Horrah!

Better late than never, hey Lucy?


  1. Oh , did I told you I've been using *SQUEEP* a lot in real life conversion .
    My friends are confused and it's all your fault .

  2. HAHA! I love the word *SQUEEEP* Its the noise I'd imagine a guinea pig would make if someone trod on it.
