I have alot on my mind right now so I'm seeking as many distractions as possible. All that has really involved so far this weekend is good coffee, an obscene amount of chocolate and a damn good book. But it's a welcome distraction, just the same.('Becoming Nancy' by Terry Ronald incase you were wondering. Excellent read.)
It's sooo hard to stop yourself from dwelling on stuff you shouldn't be dwelling on at times, and moving on with things is much easier said than done. I'm sure some of you can relate to that, no matter how many distractions you have. Some people can but I just can't seem to program my brain to focus on other things or block out all the negative stuff when something is on my mind and once you've let one little negative fucker in, he holds the door open for all his little fucking negative friends and before you know it it's like a riot in the corridors of Cell Block H and you're surrounded by faded-denim and bad acting... well, not quite, but you get my drift.
I know I'm a miserable fucking cunt at the best of times, but bare with me during the crap times and things will get better, I promise. I've been a bit off with some of you lately, and it's nothing personal, honest. I just don't handle life very well at times and it spills over into my friendships when clearly It shouldn't.