

Michael shared this piece of writing with me the other day and I wanted to share it with you. I felt it was quite a powerful piece, something I'm sure some of us could relate to. I don't know who originally wrote it and I'm not sure if he does either, but here it is:

"I’m a liar because I won't tell you everything. I’m stupid because sometimes i'm wrong. I’m ugly because my face isn’t perfect. I’m a pushover because I like making people happy. I’m a loser because I’m not friends with your group. I’m fake because I’m too nice. I’m weird because I’m not like you. I’m fat because I eat when I’m hungry. I’m clingy because I don’t like to be alone. I’m insecure because I care about what people think of me. I’m no fun because I'm not always hyper. Don’t try to tell me who I am because i already know."

Pretty powerful stuff.


  1. wow I really like that! its very true, so thank you for sharing that Dave!
